Other Holocaust Centers and Resources
Access comprehensive resources to gain general information about the Holocaust from other Holocaust Centers throughout the world. These resources benefit general audiences and students seeking to broaden their knowledge about the Holocaust and its events.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington, D.C.)
The USHMM is our best source of information for students and general audiences interested in learning about the Holocaust. In addition to a comprehensive introduction to the Holocaust, it has a user-friendly timeline of events, an easily searchable Holocaust Encyclopedia, biographies, maps, and downloadable photos, music, and histories.
Yad Vashem (Jerusalem)
Established in 1953 as the world center for documentation, research, education, and commemoration of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem is an outstanding source for searchable databases of testimonies, video lectures, photos, and published materials. Teachers can access a Holocaust Education Video Toolbox designed to help teach the Holocaust using video testimony and classroom discussion. The site also contains an extensive section honoring Holocaust rescuers, also known as the “Righteous among the Nations.”
The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)
The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS) promotes academic research, education, and public awareness on the Holocaust, other genocides, and current forms of mass violence. The website contains a virtual museum, extensive art, and educational resources, access to oral histories, and narratives, and an online bibliography.”
The Holocaust Section of the Jewish Virtual Library
The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS) promotes academic research, education, and public awareness on the Holocaust, other genocides, and current forms of mass violence. The website contains a virtual museum, extensive art, and educational resources, access to oral histories, and narratives, and an online bibliography.”