Life in the Partisans

During World War II, as many as 30,000 Jewish men and women fought back against the Germans. Most of them established secret military units in the forests. These brave men and women were known as partisans. Many were young, and many had left their homes behind. Being young freed them from the responsibilities that tormented those with small children or elderly parents in the ghettos. Their struggle to survive against an enemy whose goal was to wipe them from the face of the earth is a little-known part of Holocaust history. Experience life in the partisan’s through the story of Rabbi Haim Rozwaski.


Escaping the Ghetto

Rabbi Razwaski remembers the moment when he escaped from a Polish ghetto to join the Partisan fighters.He and his uncle had to move frequently to avoid being discovered.

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Religion in the Partisans

Despite living in fear, Partisan fighters did everything they could to maintain some sense of normalcy. One strategy was to continue traditional religious practices. Rabbi Razwaski describes the incredible faith of Partisans during the Holocaust.

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