Unit 1 – Before the Holocaust
Before the War
Middle and High School
Unit One covers the history of Jews in Europe before the Holocaust. Specifically, students explore the appeal of the Nazis, particularly to youth, and how individuals are changed by outside influences.
The causes of the Holocaust reach back farther in time than the beginning of the Nazi era. It is not as if anti-Judaism or antisemitism was an invention of Hitler and the Nazi Party. The purpose of this unit is to briefly examine the long history that came before the Nazi era to discover the deep roots of the Holocaust. This is not meant to be a detailed history, but to provide a foundation upon which students can begin to construct a conceptual framework.
1 – Unit Plan – Before the Holocaust-Jewish Life in Europe and the Rise of Nazism in Germany
1c – Connections to the Florida Holocaust Education Mandate
1d – Main Learning Goals and Scales
1e – Supporting Standards and Benchmarks
1f – Summative Assessment and Final Performance Tasks
Unit 1 Daily Lessons
3) The Appeal of the Nazis – The Wave
4) A Primary Source from Nazi Germany – The Appeal of the Nazis