Schedule a Presentation
Planning for a Speaker
The goal of the Holocaust Center is to create a community that is free of anti-Semitism, racism, and all other forms of prejudice. This can be accomplished by educating future generations about the ultimate costs of intolerance. While many students are able to visit the Holocaust Center in Maitland, Florida, the Resource Teacher and other speakers may also be available for in-school presentations.
Classroom Presenation
In-school presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of a specific subject and grade level. While the majority of classroom presentations are presented by the Holocaust Center’s Resource Teacher, a Holocaust Survivor may be available as well. Popular topics include: Rescuers during the Holocaust, Nazi propaganda, and modern forms of genocide. To schedule an in-class presentation, please fill out the form below or contact Stephen Poynor 407-628-0555.
Community Presentation
In addition to classroom presentations, Holocaust educators and/or Survivors may be available to speak at community events and commemorations. To schedule a speaker, please fill out the form below or contact Stephen Poynor 407-628-0555.